Special Seminar Series - Part Two: Finance Perspective
Time and location
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
11am - 12.15pm
Live on Zoom
About the presenter
Ivan is a Senior Lecturer in Finance. His research focuses on financial markets, market quality, news announcements, applied econometrics.
About this seminar
As of August 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has infected more than 22 million people and caused over 700,000 confirmed deaths in more than 200 countries and territories (Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University). While virtually all countries have been affected by the pandemic, the responses to the crisis have differed markedly. We study how national culture impacts the way investors, firm managers, and other financial market participants react to this situation. Our findings suggest that cultural traits such as uncertainty avoidance, individualism, and past-disease experience contribute to how countries respond to the pandemic.