Conferences and events

The Auckland Centre for Financial Research is hosting several events throughout the year.

2024 New Zealand Finance Meeting

5 - 7 December 2024
AUT City Campus, Auckland

The New Zealand Finance Meeting is an annual international conference that brings leading finance academics from around the world together to present and debate current research on all fields in finance.

A selection of past events

2023 Problem Debt, Buy Now Pay Later & Young Adults in Aotearoa

(AUT City Campus, Auckland)
6 September 2023

Join AUT researchers Professor Aaron Gilbert and Dr Ayesha Scott in conversation with Sorted’s Tom Hartmann, as they discuss how Kiwi young adults use debt, buy now pay later, and if financial education is the answer.

Problem debt and over-indebtedness has serious well-being consequences, with young adults (aged 18-34 years) at acute risk. We assess young adults’ debt use, their attitudes to debt – focussing on buy now pay later – to see whether it contributes to problem debt, and investigate if financial education solves the problem.

2023 Finance Research Seminars

The ACFR holds regular Research Seminars that highlight current research in the Finance Industry. Format: Academic papers are presented by one of their authors and are followed by a Q&A discussion.  All are welcome.

2023 Derivative Markets Conference

(AUT City Campus, Auckland)
7 & 8 September 2023

The Derivatives Market Conference is held once a year and specifically focuses on derivative markets. This conference is aimed at academics and industry participants that specialize in derivative markets and risk management.

2023 New Zealand Finance Meeting

(AUT City Campus, Auckland)
7 & 8 December 2023

The New Zealand Finance Meeting is an annual international conference that brings leading finance academics from around the world together to present and debate current research on all fields in finance.

2022 Finance Research Seminars

The ACFR holds regular online (via MS Teams) Research Seminars that highlight current research in the Finance Industry. Format: Academic papers are presented by one of their authors and are followed by a Q&A discussion.  All are welcome to join the Teams Meeting via the links.

2022 Derivative Markets Conference

(Online from Auckland)
8 & 9 September 2022

The Derivatives Market Conference is held once a year and specifically focuses on derivative markets. This conference is aimed at academics and industry participants that specialize in derivative markets and risk management.

2022 New Zealand Finance Meeting

(Hybrid from Auckland)
8 & 9 December 2022

The New Zealand Finance Meeting is an annual international conference that brings leading finance academics from around the world together to present and debate current research on all fields in finance.

Past events

Browse previous conferences and other events that we've hosted or been involved with.

Past events

Contact us

Have a question about an upcoming event? Get in touch.

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