2024 New Zealand Finance Meeting

5 to 7 December 2024 - AUT City Campus, Auckland, New Zealand

The Auckland Centre for Financial Research at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, Auckland University of Technology, hosts its 13th annual meeting from 5 to 7 December 2024. This year’s conference will take place at Auckland University of Technology in Auckland, New Zealand. We welcome submissions on all topics related to the field of finance.

Keynote Speaker

Paper Submission

The deadline for paper submissions is 31 July 2024. Authors will be notified of the outcome of their submission by 20 August 2024. Conference registration via our website will open on 20 August 2024 and close on 5 October 2024.

Submit completed papers

Special Issue

A Special Issue of the Global Finance Journal will feature select papers from the 2024 New Zealand Finance Meeting. Please indicate your interest in submitting the conference paper to the Special Issue on the conference registration form. The journal submission fees will be waived for all participants. Additional information will be provided upon acceptance to the conference.

Conference Fees

PhD Student Rate: NZD 600
Academic Rate: NZD 750
Conference Dinner (optional) NZD 110

Best Paper Awards

  • The 2024 NZFM Best Paper Award (NZD 2,000)
  • The 2024 NZFM Runner-Up Paper Award (NZD 1,000)
  • The 2024 NZFM Best PhD Student Paper Award (NZD 1,000)
  • Global Finance Journal Award (USD 1,000)
  • The CFA Institute Asia-Pacific Research Exchange Award (NZD 1,000)

Programme Scientific Committee

  • Aaron Gilbert, Auckland University of Technology
  • Alireza Tourani-Rad, Auckland University of Technology
  • Bart Frijns, Open Universiteit
  • Ben Jacobsen, University of Tilburg
  • Ben Marshall, Massey University
  • Christian Wolff, University of Luxembourg
  • Christina Atanasova, Simon Fraser University
  • Eliza Wu, University of Sydney
  • Eva Liljeblom, Hanken School of Economics
  • Helen Lu, Vlerick Business School
  • Ivan Indriawan, University of Adelaide
  • Janice How, Queensland University of Technology
  • Jedrzej Bialkowski, University of Canterbury
  • Jin Zhang, University of Otago
  • Joelle Miffre, Audencia Business School
  • John Wald, University of Texas San Antonio
  • Jordan Neyland, George Mason University
  • Kathleen Walsh, University of Technology Sydney
  • Madhu Kalimipalli, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Manapol Ekkayokkaya, Chulalongkorn University
  • Nhut (Nick) Nguyen Hoang, Auckland University of Technology
  • Oliver Entrop, Passau University
  • Peter Swan, University of New South Wales
  • Robert Durand, University of Curtin
  • Robert Faff, University of Queensland
  • Roy Kouwenberg, Mahidol University
  • Sun Qian, Fudan University, China
  • Wolfgang Bessler, Hamburg University
  • Yiuman Tse, University of Missouri–St. Louis

Meeting Organisers